Hard courts

5x Hard Courts

At Club Nazaret we are privileged to have 5 brand new DECOTURF acrylic hard courts US Open colours all with LED floodlights. All our hard courts are presented in a row and connected with each other which makes it ideal for organising coaching

Why hard courts are important?

Roughly 60% of professional tennis tournaments are played on hard courts. As well as that, US College tennis is played in this surface. If you want to be successful at tennis at any level you need to be able to practice on hard courts too

Regular tournaments at base

The size of our club and the number of courts allow us to host official tennis tournaments regularly. This means our players can compete at home with the commodities that are presented with that. We host National Tour Events (IBP, Marca, Young AS Tour), UTR based matchplays as well as other local events


Clay Courts


Indoor/Outdoor Swimming Pool